Fashion & Beauty

Homegrown skin care: Lise Watier Age Control Supreme La Creme Sublime

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Homegrown skin care: Lise Watier Age Control Supreme La Creme Sublime

Who knew that Canadian plants packed such a powerful punch? For 2015, Quebec beauty brand Lise Water has created La Creme Sublime, a new anti-aging cream chock-full of ingredients native to Canadian soil: Labradorian tea extract—a Lise Watier exclusive—is an antioxidant that stimulates collagen and elastin production; Atlantic Canada's bistort and Rumex from the Prairies encourages microcirculation and prevent dark spots; and the addition of British Columbian knotgrass fights visible signs of aging caused by sunscreen-penetrating infrared rays. Add this rose-scented cream to your daily routine to reveal a beautifully hydrated and refreshed complexion. Lise_Watier_cream

Lise Watier Age Control Supreme La Creme Sublime, $105,

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Homegrown skin care: Lise Watier Age Control Supreme La Creme Sublime
