Fashion & Beauty

Editor's pick: Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Editor's pick: Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm

While riding the subway home from work last week I was sitting next to a woman who was desperately digging around her purse in hopes of finding a balm, stick or any kind of salve that would help give her chapped lips some relief. She soon gave up her search and resorted to licking her lips, frequently. I just had to step in and play the beauty editor card. [caption id="attachment_11612" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm[/caption] Luckily I had just pocketed a brand new Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm from  Canadian Living's beauty closet. I handed it over and suggested she use it right away and try and refrain from licking. I got a little beauty nerdy on her and told her that saliva evaporates super quickly and removes natural oils on your lips, in turn making them much worse. This is Maybelline's latest launch in their popular Baby Lips lineup. They are available in natural shades and a clear tint to help soothe sore lips. The balm is laced with eucalyptus which helps combat dryness and cools soar lips with in seconds. Look for balms that are super emollient and use ingredients such as lanolin, shea butter, almond oil and/or beeswax. Just remember, when you walk out the door and into the cold, windy weather you bundle up with all the toasty fixings; hat, gloves, boots and coat. Don't forget to add lip balm to the list. Lip balms are your first line of defence against chapped lips, and it's so much easier to prevent than treat.  


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Fashion & Beauty

Editor's pick: Maybelline New York Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Medicated Balm
