Fashion & Beauty

Editor tested: Air Optix Color Contact Lenses

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Editor tested: Air Optix Color Contact Lenses

A swipe of lipstick, a visit to your colourist or an application of a glow-giving self-tanner, whatever it is you’d like to enhance or alter about your appearance it can likely be achieved with a beauty product. Especially when it comes to colour, it gives you instant results and garners a ton of attention. I learned last week when I attended a beauty focused event for Air Optix Colors that the same is true when you change up your eye colour. Contacts aren't just for correcting vision anymore, they can also be used as an eye colour enhancer. [caption id="attachment_15236" align="aligncenter" width="592"] Air Optix Colors BEFORE AND AFTER: Canadian Living's Style Web Editor, Andrea Karr, tried the gemstone green contacts, which look stunning with her fiery red locks.[/caption] The colour contacts of the past were thick, uncomfortable and just plain fake looking, so I never gave tinted lenses much thought. I'm also new to the glasses game and a contacts virgin, or at least I was before said event. I learned that over the last decade lenses (both coloured and clear) have been enhanced and refined. The new and improved colour contacts are available in a wide range of powers to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. They also come in a version without refractive power, for those lucky people with perfect vision. These new breathable lenses made from silicone hydrogel (it helps eyes remain white and bright) come in nine different shades, five natural and four brilliant. If you're looking to subtly alter your eye colour try the brand's blue, green, hazel, grey and brown offerings. However if you really want to make a statement pop in the brilliant blue, gemstone green (as seen on Andrea above), honey or sterling grey. Air Optix Color contacts If your interest is peaked by these lenses then you can head to the brand's website and upload a photo of yourself to test out the colours. To purchase these lenses you'll need to visit your optician and get the lenses properly fitted, along with a prescription.  It's important that they fit your eyes correctly, this will help prevent the risk of scratching your corneas, which can lead to infections. For the non corrective-contact wearers looking for the beautifying effects you'll still need to get a prescription from your doctor. Verdict: I loved how natural they looked and how comfortable they felt. They didn't look artificial and I enjoyed how you could choose a completely different colour or pick one to enhance your natural eye colour. No matter the spectrum it still looked believable. Truthfully, I'm happy with my own baby blue eyes, nature did me a solid. However, if I changed my hair colour to something other than blond then I would consider wearing these coloured lenses on the regular.


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Fashion & Beauty

Editor tested: Air Optix Color Contact Lenses
