Fashion & Beauty

Easy DIY Face Scrub

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Easy DIY Face Scrub

Who doesn't love DIY beauty? ME! Baking soda and eggs are for brownies, not facial scrubs and hair masks. I'm lazy and too unmotivated to seek out the contents of my fridge and mash them into something I can't eat, especially when pyramids of products take up space well, everywhere. Seems a bit backwards.


Though, I can't deny the natural idea of controlling what goes onto (and into) my skin. I came across this post from Ocean Drive featuring Tata Harper, a green beauty goddess, who runs her namesake company of luxurious green skincare (check out Lesa Hannah's story in the April issue of FASHION Magazine about Harper's truly natural pursuits). Harper's suggestion is to combine three tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of fine brown sugar to create a natural facial scrub. Seems easy enough, right? Easy & Natural Face Scrub:
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of fine brown sugar
Mix ingredients well, apply to skin in circular motions and rinse off. Do your best not to eat the mixture... Now this is something I think I could try.  I like the suggestion of using the fine brown sugar—it's probably a lot more kind to facial skin than the coarse kind found in most body scrubs. Speaking of body scrubs and brown sugar, I need to mention my latest shower buddy— Bella Pella Maple Syrup Sugar Scrub. It's so thick and unslippery, yet wildly blendable and made with *real* maple syrup. It's also vegan and smells better than most. And it's Canadian—woot! It's a pretty decent deal ($19.95) for a scrub in a tub. Check out their website and have a jar shipped to your house. You're welcome.

[caption id="attachment_1718" align="aligncenter" width="368" caption="Bella Pella Maple Syrup Sugar Scrub, shown with the glycerin soap."] Bella Pella Maple Syrupt [/caption] Did you try the DIY scrub? Leave a comment below about your experience. We'll randomly pick a comment and send that reader the Bella Pella Maple Syrup Sugar Scrub! Images via; Bella Pella.


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Fashion & Beauty

Easy DIY Face Scrub
