Fashion & Beauty

Day 9: Fresh Arm Candy

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Day 9: Fresh Arm Candy

For the a ccessory obsessed BFF. [caption id="attachment_1086" align="aligncenter" width="322" caption="Rhinestone encrusted bracelets, Joe Fresh, $14 each. "] Rhinstone encrusted braceletes, Joe Fresh, $14 each. [/caption] This is for that girlfriend on you list that's always sporting a minimalist-esque wardrobe but still loves to pile on blinged out baubles and bracelets. Everyday she's impeccably dressed, mixing her designer pieces with mass market steals and then topping the ensemble off with hits of vintage splendor. I've been told I have similar tastes to a magpie, yes the bird, because my eyes have a tendency to narrow in on all that glitters. My magpie spidy sense was on full alert on a recent trip to my local Joe Fresh store. I found these chunky silver rhinestone stretch bracelets for a steal at just $14 a pop. I bought one for me, some as stocking stuffers for my mum and sis and a few more for my sparkle loving girlfriends. At this price you must get thee to a Joe Fresh location before these gems are sold out. Joe Fresh Style rhinestone bracelets, $14. for locations.


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Fashion & Beauty

Day 9: Fresh Arm Candy
