Fashion & Beauty

Day 15: The Gift of Time

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Day 15: The Gift of Time

For your c olour phobic yet still stylish sister. [caption id="attachment_1130" align="aligncenter" width="221" caption="Marc by Marc Jacobs watch, $210."] Marc by Marc Jacobs watch, $210.[/caption] This gum ball purple Marc by Marc Jacobs watch makes a great Christmas gift for a few reasons. Firstly, from a fashion stand point, it allows you to effortlessly incorporate colour into your outfit on a daily basis. This can be a near impossible task for some. We all know who those people are, they live in a wardrobe strictly consisting of black and grey. The only pop of colour is found in the deep dark depths of their closet. Secondly it's a quality gift, and your sister or bestie will know you spent time picking it out, not to mention they'll also know you laid down a decent chunk of change for it. Finally, it's one of the few gifts out there that you can wear everyday. For all these reasons, this is why a vibrant watch is a really awesome gift to give...and get. Available at The Bay .


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Fashion & Beauty

Day 15: The Gift of Time
