Fashion & Beauty

An inside look at World MasterCard Fashion Week: Day 4

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

An inside look at World MasterCard Fashion Week: Day 4

Day four was a solid one at the World Master Card tents in Toronto's David Pecaut Square. I attended four shows;  Target, Soia & Kyo, Caitlin Power and Rudsak. The most memorable moments of the evening included meeting Target's mascot miniature Bull Terrier Bullseye, watching (and interviewing, but more to come on that in a future blog post) cool girl supermodel Erin Wasson walk the runway and of course viewing the spring goods from stellar Canadian designers.   [caption id="attachment_10531" align="aligncenter" width="329"] Look how much fun the finale for Target's holiday show was!   Photo credit: George Pimentel[/caption]   Although it wasn't a complete surprise — Target's PR spilled the beans on who the guest of honour was the day before the show to set up my post show interview — it was still incredible to watch one of my very favourite models work it on the runway. The Maybelline New York spokesmodel oozes coolness, both on  and off the  runway. Her style and swagger is so bang on and perfectly imperfect that she can pretty wear anything an make it look original and authentic.   [caption id="attachment_10533" align="aligncenter" width="346"] Photo credit: George Pimentel[/caption]   To sum up the Target holiday presentation in three words: upbeat, merry and cheerful. After days of seeing numerous deadpan or borderline emotionless models march down the runway with their eyes fixated on the scrum of photographers perched at the end of the runway it was so refreshing to see something a little different. Models worked it on the catwalk looking lively, smiling and acting playful. Another plus was the diversity in the casting. We saw a handful of different ethnicity, a range of ages and different sizes. There wasn't a guest under the tent that didn't have a smile on their face, it was just so intoxicating.  


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Fashion & Beauty

An inside look at World MasterCard Fashion Week: Day 4
