DIY & Crafts
Gatherings memory book

DIY & Crafts
Gatherings memory book
A friend is a gift you give yourself, so why not keep a book of memories to celebrate the times you spend together? The Gatherings keepsake book is a thoughtful way to commemorate friends and family at special events, reunions, holidays, or just because. Record the well-wishes of visitors, share photos and memories with your guests, or bring together the loving thoughts of everyone to give as a gift. No matter how you use this memory book, it is sure to become a cherished keepsake.
Here are just some of the possibilities:
• If you're planning a big gift exchange for a birthday, bridal shower, or the holidays, you can use the Gatherings book to record the presents that were given and received.
• Family reunions can be recorded for those who attended, and those who couldn't, with mementos and photographs.
• Guests who visit your vacation home can share their adventures by writing about their trip.
• Family members can record their blessings at a Thanksgiving celebration.
• A sports team can collect highlights of the season to give to the coach.
• As a special gift for a loved one, have their family, friends and colleagues record cherished memories.
• Use the Gatherings book as a guest book at a special occasion, such as an anniversary party, then add photos from the day to present to the happy couple.
These are just a few suggestions for creating lasting memories with the Gatherings keepsake book. Why not come up with even more ideas? Sometimes sharing the memories of good times can be as special as the times themselves.
• 11 Sheets of card stock
• 1 Sheet of vellum paper, 8-1/2 x 11, 48lb clear
• Double-sided tape
• X-ACTO knife
• Cutting mat
• Metal-edged ruler
• Butter knife or scoring tool
• Spoon
• Ribbon, 1" wide, 1-1/2 yards
• Scissors
• Photos
Gatherings book cover and spine
Click here to print Bookcover PDF file.
1. Print the book cover, (pages 1-3 of the cover pdf), onto card stock. Print page 3 twice. Set aside to dry completely.
2. Place the cutting mat underneath the card stock. Using the X-ACTO knife and the ruler as your guide, trim the white areas away from the covers.
3. Print the accordion spine, (page 4 of the cover pdf), onto the card stock. Set aside to dry completely.
4. For easier folding, score the accordion spine. To do this, lay a ruler along each set of red and green dotted lines, and run a butter knife or scoring tool along the ruler. Use medium pressure to create an indentation on the paper. There are a total of nine lines to be scored.
5. With the accordion spine printed side up, fold up the first tab that is marked tape inside cover. Continue folding along the scored lines back and fourth, accordion style. See illustration A.
6. Using the back of a spoon, press the folds firmly to crease. See illustration B.
7. Unfold the spine with printed side up. Place double-sided tape along the left tab marked tape inside cover. Attach one of the inside covers on the tape, carefully aligning the edge of the cover with the crease in the spine. Press firmly in place. See illustration C.
8. Repeat step 7 with the right tab and inside cover.
9. Flip the spine over, printed side down, and centre the ribbon across the inside covers and spine. See illustration D.
10. Apply double-sided tape to the back of the inside cover on the left, leaving the area around the ribbon free from tape. See illustration E.
11. Place the back cover on top aligning the purple band with the edge of the spine. Make sure the ribbon does not get stuck to the tape.
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 to attach the front cover.
Page 1 of 2 -- On page two, find instructions to make the inside pages and photo corners.
Gatherings book inside pages
Click here to print Inside Pages PDF file.
1. Print the inside pages, (pages 1-6 inside pages pdf), onto the card stock. Print pages 3 and 4 twice. Set aside to dry completely.
2. Place the cutting mat underneath the card stock. Using the X-ACTO knife and the ruler as your guide, trim the white areas away from the inside pages. Keep the pages stacked in this order: page 3, pages 1-6, then page 4.
3. Place the spine, with covers attached, face up. Place double-sided tape on the left side of the first accordion peak where indicated. Attach the first left page from the stack, aligning the edge of the inside page with the white dotted line along the accordion peak. See illustration F.
4. Repeat step 3 for the next page by placing tape along the right side of the accordion peak. In addition, apply tape to the back of the left inside page to secure the pages together.
5. Attach the first right page from the stack, aligning the edge of the inside page with the white dotted line along the accordion peak. Press pages together firmly.
6. Continue attaching the rest of the inside pages by repeating steps 3 and 4.
7. Once complete, place your book out for family and friends to share their thoughts and memories.
Gatherings book photo corners
Click here to print Bookcover PDF file.
1. Print the photo corners, (page 5 of the cover pdf), onto the vellum paper. Set aside to dry completely.
2. Place the cutting mat underneath the vellum page. Using the X-ACTO knife and the ruler as your guide, trim the white areas away from the photo corners.
3. Using the X-ACTO knife, make a slit along the dark line in each photo corner.
4. Decide where to place your pictures inside the book. Slip one photo corner onto each corner of your picture.
5. Apply double-sided tape to the photo corners on the picture. Carefully place the picture on the page and press firmly on the corners.
Page 2 of 2 -- Find instructions to help you make the spine and cover of your keepsake memory book on page 1.