DIY & Crafts
Cinnamon toast costume

DIY & Crafts
Cinnamon toast costume
What you need (adjust the size as needed):
• Download cinnamon toast costume pattern (PDF format requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
• foam sheeting of 2 inch (12mm) thickness, 2 rolls of 36" (90cm) wide, total length, 100" (2.50m)
• long darning needle and strong thread
• one can of nontoxic brown water-soluble spray paint
For treat bag:
• black fleece
• fabric scraps
• metallic glitter
• hot glue gun and glue sticks
Cut the pattern pieces out of foam. With right sides facing out and using a long needle and strong thread, handsew pieces together, leaving the entire bottom edge open for legs. Cut a face opening and holes for hands. On inside, sew the headtop piece from side to side so it goes over the head (as shown by broken line in the pattern).
Spray-paint the costume brown, spraying more paint at sides for crusty look. Spray-painting is best done outdoors. Protect the ground and your clothing. Let dry overnight.
Treat bag
With right sides together and folded edge at bottom, hotglue side seams. Fold upper edge under and hotglue closed. Fold handles in half lengthwise and hotglue closed. Hotglue handle ends under top edge at front and back. Cut a mock shaker of cinnamon and sugar mix from fabric scraps and hotglue to the bag along with scattered glitter.
These costumes are from Illegally Easy® Halloween Costumes for Kids, copyright by Leila Peltosaari, a winner of Writer's Digest Award, featuring 100 original costumes with colour photos, patterns, complete instructions, and matching treat bags and accessories. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF. To order a copy for $29.95, visit
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