Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 4

Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 4
My week took off to a rough start. Thanks to a nagging migraine that carried over from the weekend, I've been a bit foggy. I'd like to say I'm grateful to Advil and its magical powers (Day 22), but the real highlight of my week was on Tuesday (Day 23). I came home from work to a fantastic surprise -- a new bike, complete with safety gear and a mechanic kit, all thanks to my brother. I had mentioned
my interest in purchasing a bike for the summer this year, and it turns out, wishes do come true. Looks like brother dearest paid attention and picked up an earrrrly birthday present for me. I can't express how surprised I was, because those of you who know me can attest to the fact that I rarely ever get surprised. Call it curiosity, but I tend to always know what's happening around me. So this was a pleasant and lovely treat. A quarter of the way into this challenge and I can say I'm becoming more of an optimist (at least more than I thought I was). I'm starting to intentionally steer towards the positive aspects of my day -- my walk home in the sunshine, the fact that I don't have to wear socks (Day 24), listening to my favourite music while working away on the computer,
cute pet videos that people send my way... the list is endless. Speaking of optimism, have you had a chance to read our health editor's piece about
focusing on the brighter side of life? If not, you really should.
On that happy note, you should also make it a point to pick up our June issue of
Canadian Living, which our awesome
editor-in-chief has dubbed as the "Happy" issue. And why not? There's so much to celebrate at this time of the year -- sunshine, more opportunities to get outdoors, long weekends filled with indulgence, picnics in the park (soon enough)... there's so much! So
clap along and share the happy. Don’t forget — you can come back here every Friday to read about my journey. I’ll discuss my experiences, joys, challenges and lessons learned. Would you like to keep up with my progress? You can follow me on
Twitter and
Instagram to be part of my journey.
