Culture & Entertainment
What I'm learning from my 100 Happy Days challenge

Culture & Entertainment
What I'm learning from my 100 Happy Days challenge
Today, we're turning things over to our intern, Linda Cotrina:
Week one: Check! I've officially completed week one of the #100happydays challenge and it was a good week overall. If you read my first post—and I hope you did—you know my first day started off on a bright and beautiful note as I took a stroll around the city and commemorated that as my first happy moment in the challenge. Going forward, I decided to it would be best to wait until the end of the day, each day, to post what made me happy. By doing this, I found myself taking pictures of various things throughout each day during this first week and ended up posting what made me the happiest. I realized that there was more than one thing making me happy each day -- something that I never took notice of before, most likely because I wasn't consciously looking for that happiness. I also realized that a lot of what was making me happy was food related — of course: my mom's delicious yellow rice (Day 2); my favourite lollipop from Peru (Day 4) and pizza from my favourite place in the city (Day 5). I mean, who doesn't get happy about food or candy? But, there were some challenging days when I found it hard to focus on my happy moments -- specifically this past Friday. It was a full day for me, being at Canadian Living during the day and then heading straight to my part-time job as a hostess right after. It was one of those days when I felt like I had no time—one of the reasons most people who took this challenge failed—and to be honest, there wasn't any time to focus on happiness at my part-time job, either. It was a particularly busy night at the restaurant; so my mind was all go, go, go! But I went to a friend's apartment after work and caught a glimpse of her cute little turtles (Day 7) and voila: My happy moment! You know that saying about patience being a virtue? Well, being patient was definitely key to this first week of successful posts. So if you feel like your day is all gloom and doom or you feel that you've got too much on your plate to focus on being happy, I say to you, friend, be patient! That's the most valuable thing I learned so far from my first week. Now I'm ready for week two! Check out my editor Simone Castello's recap of her 100 Happy Days: week two and follow my 100 Happy Days journey on Instagram. What made you happy last week?