Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 2

Culture & Entertainment
My 100 Happy Days challenge: Week 2
Wow, that went by quickly! As I wrap up week two of
my 100 Happy Days challenge, I can't help but express how good I feel. This was a busy week -- a lot happened (including some not-so-good things), but I managed to pull through and look for the bright spots in my days. I've been doing that a lot; looking for brighter spots in my days. And I find I I'm starting to do it consciously, especially when I know things are a bit rough. This past weekend was nice -- I
picked up my new glasses (Day 6). It's my first non-black pair of frames, and I'm still getting used to them. Those of you who know me are fully aware of my dedication to black accessories and clothes. This was a switch. I figured since I'm looking for colour in my life, I might as well invite colour into it, intentionally. The week also took off to a fantastic start at work -- I
may be appearing on a TV near you sometime in early January 2015 to chat about the
Canadian Living Sex Survey. (Can't say more than that, right now, but yay!) Oh, and I'm so excited about this one: I
signed up to participate in a Zumbathon (Day10). Two hours of dancing and sweating to some fantastic music -- and all this for a good cause! I can't wait. If you're in the Toronto-area the weekend of May 10th, perhaps you might want to join, too.
Details can be found here. It's interesting, but there were so many instances this week when I thought, "I can easily take two or three photos of happy moments today!" And there's a part of me that feels bad that I'd reached a point before this challenge when I couldn't even think of one.
Did I snuff the happy out of my life? For a self-proclaimed optimist, this wasn't normal behaviour. Sure, there have been so many experiences in the past couple of years that have tested me to my very core -- moments when I've thought, "It cannot get any worse than what's happening right now!" But thinking like that hasn't helped me one bit. This week, I told my boss that the challenge has brought "me" back into focus. I'm starting to pay attention to the little nuances in each day that make me smile -- the sweet, simple things that define my existence and the joys that fuel my passions. And they're all there, clear as day... fresh, spring buds on a tree; a doughnut delivery to the office post-production on a Friday morning; walking out of my favourite bookstore with a bag full of Jane Austen stationary (Day 11).... I just have to pay attention to those things rather than the things that take up so much negative room in my life. I won't say that this challenge is easy, but it is helping. A dear friend once told me that the days when you feel like you can't be happy at all, are the days you need to intentionally look for the good. And the happy. And that's what I'm trying to do.
Here’s a summary of captions from days 6-12 of my #100happydays challenge: Day 6. I just magnified my nerd (chic) status with these new (pink!) glasses. #100happydays (What's happening to me...?)
Day 7. Relaxing and watching
@masterchefcda reruns on CTV. Hi, chef
@claudioaprile1! #100happydays
Day 8. Being interviewed for a documentary about the
@canadianliving Sex Survey this morning. #100happydays #SexTalkCL
Day 9. Found this impulse purchase from Prince George, BC, in my purse today. Result? 10 minutes of laughter while flipping through the pages. #100happydays #wordnerd
Day 10. Just picked up my ticket for the annual Variety Village charity #Zumbathon. ...I barely recognize myself anymore. #100happydays #justdance
Day 11. So much happiness today. Thank you,
@alexrward, for letting me feed my vices. You know me too well. #JaneAusten postcards and stationary. I'm a happy girl. #100happydays
Day 12. Thanks for the delicious
@jellymodern treats,
@bvshops! What a great start to Friday! #100happydays Onward to week three! Don’t forget — you can come back here every Friday to read about my journey. I’ll discuss my experiences, joys, challenges and lessons learned. Would you like to keep up with my progress? You can follow me on
Twitter and
Instagram to be part of my journey.
