Culture & Entertainment
Why take on the 100 Happy Days Challenge?

Culture & Entertainment
Why take on the 100 Happy Days Challenge?
Today, we're turning things over to our web intern, Linda Cotrina: Last week, I decided to join my editor Simone Castello in taking on
the 100 Happy Days challenge.
It sounds easy enough, but
the project's website claims that 71 percent of those who tried, failed, saying time was the main reason why they couldn't complete the challenge. Yikes! Well, I plan on not being part of that stat, so I signed myself up, and
I'm using Instagram as my medium. This past Sunday was my first day of the
#100HappyDays challenge -- and I couldn't have picked a better day!
I had brunch with friends and then embraced the gorgeous weather we had by walking all over the city. Walking was my favoiurite part of the day, and it marked my first 'happy' moment of the challenge.

[Day 1. I enjoyed a nice and very long walk with good friends around the city. #100happydays]
But why do it? I knew it wasn't going to be easy for me because I have trouble looking on the brighter side of things. I may not come off that way at times, but I've struggled for a number of years with severe changes in mood and have self-diagnosed myself with a number of ailments (don't judge!). Maybe I'm a hypochondriac? I don't know. Anyway, my goal for this challenge is to really focus on what makes or has made me happy on any given day, in spite of all the negative or stressful things that can/will/maybe might happen. Coming out of this, I want to appreciate all the happiness that comes my way and I want to embrace a more positive attitude towards life in general. I want to be able to do this for myself and on my own. I also encourage you—yes YOU—to take on the challenge. Why? Well, that's something you have to decide for yourself and whatever that reason may be, just remember -- do it for yourself. You can follow my 100 Happy Days journey on Instagram. What's making you happy? Photo courtesy of Linda Cotrina