Culture & Entertainment
Cute pet video: Shocked cat peeks over bed

Culture & Entertainment
Cute pet video: Shocked cat peeks over bed
We all know cats are interesting creatures. One minute they love us and simply can't stop following us around the house, and the next minute they can't stand to be in the same room as us. Our fascination with cats dates back in time to ancient civilizations, where these furry animals were revered and considered sacred.
The position of cats in today's society has taken on a whole new meaning -- especially in the age of the Internet, video cameras and viral memes. You can log on to YouTube at any given time and find an ever-growing collection of funny cats caught on camera. Like this little guy. We're not sure what has shocked him so much, but it's clear that something has his attention.
I can't figure out which part I enjoy more: The expression on his face or the way his eyes dart across the room in utter shock.
“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.” - Mark Twain