Culture & Entertainment

50 insane facts about Canada

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

50 insane facts about Canada

Are we really that bizarre? Who knew! Innocent. Polite. Excessively obedient at pedestrian cross-walks. Always saying sorry even if we're not the offending party. The self-effacing folk who inhabit that great mass of trees, vast stretches of land and endless lakes  and who apparently say "oot and aboot" for "out and about." That's how I thought the world viewed Canada. We're the epitome of sobriety and sanity. Or so I thought, until this morning when I delighted upon an info-graphic titled "50 Insane Facts About Canada," produced by, the robust, budget-friendly travel site who make a business of studying our habits, sane and otherwise.

50 insane facts about Canada (This partial infographic courtesy of

I scrolled through the entire info-graphic and  selected 15 insane facts about Canada that every Canadian traveller should keep in his or her back pocket.

  1. It is illegal to move alcohol between provinces without a permit. (What you buy in Quebec, you drink in Quebec.)
  2. In Saskatchewan a hoodie is called a "bunnyhug." (How about we just call it a sweater with a toque?)
  3. The world's first UFO landing pad was built in St. Paul, Alberta in 1967. (Everyone needs a place to call ET home.)
  4. "Porky's," the 1982 sex-comedy our teachers forbade us to watch, is the most successful Canadian movie ever made. (So we're naughty and nice.)
  5. Saint-Louis-du-Ha!Ha! is the only town in the world with two exclamation marks and it's in Canada!! (Who says we're not funny that way, ha!)
  6. We are syrupy, considering 77% of the world's maple syrup is made in Canada. (Now that is sweet.)
  7. Tens of thousands of garter snakes can be seen mating in snake pits near Winnipeg. (That's one love nest to avoid!)
  8. There are 1,453 airports in Canada (And at least one of them needs a good overhaul. Can anyone spell P-E-A-R-S-O-N?)
  9. Canada has more lakes than any other country in the world. (I'm proud of that.)
  10. The numbers are in: 15,500 of the world's 25,000 polar bears live in Canada. (And we need to protect them.)
  11. Bragging rights? Reports indicate that 2.4 million caribou roam Canada.
  12. Moose on the loose? The average number of accidents each year in Canada involving a moose: 247.
  13. Canada has more donut shops per capita than anywhere else in the world. (And we invented TimBits.)
  14. Basketball was invented in Canada. (This I did not know. I would have said lacrosse.)
  15. Bluenoser is a term used for people from Nova Scotia, harkening of course to the much celebrated schooner.
And apparently we talk funny, too! 50 insane facts about Canada For the entire info-graphic (and the other 35 insane facts about Canada), visit Did you know all of these factoids about Canada?


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Culture & Entertainment

50 insane facts about Canada
