Culture & Entertainment
What makes you grateful?

Culture & Entertainment
What makes you grateful?
Hi everyone! I hope the new year has taken off to a great start for all of you. I'm just following up on my last post on gratitude and starting a gratitude journal for 2014. Did you start one? I did, and I've written in it every night before going to bed. Though it has only been twice, I do feel more optimistic. I have woken up each morning thinking about what I wrote, and generally, I've been keeping positive thoughts in my mind during the day. (I also watched The Secret, yesterday, but that's a post for another day.)
After reading my last blog post, a coworker sent me a link to This website outlines a project taken on by one woman who wanted to reignited the joy and happiness she felt was lacking in her life. She made it her mission to not only write, but also take photos of everyday things that made her more grateful. They were little things like waking up to hugs from her child, or when her husband held her after a long day. She even documented little moments like ladybugs landing on her sweater, and freshly planted basil in her garden. These simple, everyday things, made her realize, in the end, that she leads a beautiful and loved life.
My goal with the gratitude journal is to get a better sense of the positive aspects of my life. Too often I find I'm focusing on the negatives because it's so easy to do this. There's a lot to be grateful about, and it's time to start paying attention.
Today I'm grateful for a warm jacket and even warmer boots. Simple, I know, but it's freezing in Toronto, and I will never underestimate the power of warm clothes in -20 degrees temperature.
What makes you grateful?