Culture & Entertainment
We Day 2013: Three inspired kids

Culture & Entertainment
We Day 2013: Three inspired kids
It was
We Day in Toronto this morning. We Day is an initiative of
Free the Children, and a star-studded event with music and inspirational speakers designed to both motivate youth to create social change, and to celebrate the kids who already have. You can't buy a ticket; kids have to participate in We Act all year long, taking part in one local and one global movement. It's fun and motivating and probably one of the most hopeful events you can attend. (Check out
We Days across Canada.) We thought it would be fun to bring you some stories from three kids attending the event, all from Brother André Catholic School in Ajax, ON. Introducing, from left to right, Isaiah, Megan and Peter, all 13 years old. [caption id="attachment_16069" align="aligncenter" width="350"]
From left to right: Isaiah, Megan and Peter[/caption] I asked the kids about
what brought them to We Day:
Isaiah: I'm a leader around the school and I help out a lot as a kindergarten monitor and with extra-curricular sports.
What inspires you to be a leader? So that I can show other people what's right. I like to be out front and inspire others.
Megan: I'm an overall generous person who is nice to everyone, I don't treat anyone badly and I help out as an office monitor and I am a hard worker and do the best work that I can.
What keeps you working hard? I like to feel good about my work and not have bad grades or anything. When I do my best work I feel good.
Peter: There was a fight in my school and I tried to stop them and break it up and a teacher saw me, and selected me to go to We Day.
What gave you the courage to stand up in that situation? I saw someone who was being hurt and they didn't deserve it so I tried to stop it.
What's inspiring you right now, here, today?
Isaiah: What
Spencer West did by climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro even though he has no legs. He didn't let that stop him from what he wanted to do. He walked right by us.
Megan: I really liked Austin Mahone because he's a new artist and he's already amazing. I love his new song. Serena Ryder also inspired me because she's Canadian.
Peter: Everyone different talking on stage is really cool. I like how everyone has their own story of how they've been inspired.
What do you think you're going to take back to your school from today?
Isaiah: Share some of the things that the speakers said and share the experience with my classmates and the whole school what it felt like to be here. Like you feel like you can do what they did. It starts with one person.
Megan: I want to bring back what an amazing experience it was to be here. And for all those amazing artists to tell us that we can change the world meant a lot.
Peter: A lot of new ideas from the stage - everyone who's thought of an idea can hear about it at my school.
What did your family do to help you grow into the leaders that you are?
Isaiah: My parents taking the time when I was little to show me right from wrong so I could be the person that I am today. They also keep me active and in lots of extra-curriculars. Soccer's my sport.
Peter: When I was younger, like 9 or 10, my parents were trying to see what I was interested in and listened to see what I liked and let me try lots of things. They tried football and I really liked it and now I play for the Triple-A Ajax-Pickering Dolphins.
Megan: My dad went to university and he's very successful and I want to be like him. He got amazing grades and he got a scholarship so he doesn't have to pay for his university. My parents also really support me to dance competititively through the Twinkle Toes Dance Studio.
What advice do you have for other kids who want to be leaders?
Isaiah: Don't be afraid to be a leader and try to show your best example for others to follow.
Peter: Try new and different things until you find something that you really like.
Megan: Stand up for yourself and people will follow you. I have to say this event gave me a lot of hope for the future. Tell us about your local or global cause in the comments!
