Culture & Entertainment
Money questions to ask your partner before marriage

Culture & Entertainment
Money questions to ask your partner before marriage
Money is and always will be a delicate subject – in any relationship. But there are some things you just need to ask about before you pledge to a commitment of marriage or living together.
It's best to get everything out in the open so you can start fresh with no secrets.
Money secrets can cause feelings of insecurity and resentment.
Timing and environment
- Schedule some quiet time with your loved one.
- Make sure you're not fighting and that you're stress free. And kid free.
- No matter what choices you've made in the past – be honest – because this affects your partner's future too. I know I would respect someone more if they were honest about their money situation right off the bat rather than finding out about it later.
- Do you have any outstanding debts, such as school loans, credit card debt, car payments or a line of credit?
- Have you acted as a cosigner for anyone else? Have you helped a family member purchase a home or a car?
- How often do you take risks? Do you play the lotto? Bet on horse-racing? Play Pro-Line?
- In general, what do you feel the importance of money is?
- What are your goals for the future?