It’s the season for dry, cracked skin, and sometimes slathering on the lotion just isn’t enough. But there’s more than one way to moisturize. Eating certain foods can help skin stay hydrated. Here are some key ingredients to add to your diet.
1. Water This one might seem obvious. We all know that water does wonders for the skin, but sometimes when we need it most we forget about it. It’s easier to remember to hydrate in the summer when the heat makes you crave a cold glass of water, but it’s important to keep up your intake through the winter months too. Try starting your day with a little room-temperature lemon water, then sipping caffeine-free teas, such as chamomile, throughout the day.
2. Salmon, walnuts and flax The omega-3s that are naturally found in these foods are imperative to getting supple skin. Those omegas are key to building your skin’s cell membranes. Getting ample omega-3s means strong cells that can hold ample moisture.
3. Avocado You might have smoothed vitamin E cream on dry skin before, but did you know that the buttery avocado is rich in vitamin E that can help you from within? Eating avocado is great for the skin, and some people even use the green flesh as a nourishing face mask!
4. Sweet potatoes and carrots The beta-carotene found in these orange vegetables not only helps with parched skin but also protects your skin from the sun, which can be drying. But don’t take that to mean that you can skip the sunscreen.
5. Cucumbers and green beans These veggies contain a little-talked-about nutrient called silica, which is important for proper collagen formation and helps to maintain moisture in the skin. Just be sure to keep the bright green skin on your cucumber. That’s where many of the nutrients are found. Learn about other ways
foods can help you get beautiful skin!