Health & Fitness

Eat well. Enjoy life. And a chance to WIN!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Eat well. Enjoy life. And a chance to WIN!

prod_mayo_clinic_dietAny diet program that invites me to toss out the food scales and calculators gets my attention. There's something about weighing my food that makes me wonder if I'm taking my eating too seriously. (Also: I'm not really that interested in how much that chocolate Danish weighs. I'm more interested in seeing how fast I can cram it into my mouth.) The Mayo Clinic Diet book says: "Toss out the food scales and calculators! Eat well. Enjoy life. Lose weight." Sounds great. And don't we all want to eat well and enjoy life? For a chance to WIN a copy of The Mayo Clinic Diet, by the weight-loss experts at Mayo Clinic, just Subscribe To This Blog and post a comment telling us what you do to enjoy life. Needlepoint? Horseback riding? Gardening? Soap operas? Dinner with the fam? Tea and a good book? A long, hot bubble bath? Riding your bike? Whatever it is, let us know by Wednesday, August 11. I'll announce the winner here on Monday, August 16.
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Health & Fitness

Eat well. Enjoy life. And a chance to WIN!
