Quick pickled onions: the best summer burger topping

Quick pickled onions: the best summer burger topping
Nothing beats the sharp, crisp, crunch of sliced onions atop a meaty burger. Hold on, scratch that. There is something better -
quick pickled onions.
These beauties possess all the qualities of straight-up sliced onion BUT they won't stink up your breath for days.
a summer essential for burger lovers everywhere. And guess what? They're not only great on burgers, toss them in a salad, top your favourite grilled chicken with them, serve them up at taco night. Once you've tried them, you'll never go back to raw!
Here's how: Slice a red onion into rounds, about 1/4 inch thick is ideal. Place the onion slices in a bowl and with 2 to 3 tsp of an acidic liquid (I love the additional tang from lime juice, but you can use white vinegar, cider vinegar, lemon juice or wine vinegar with equally good results) and a generous pinch of salt. Let it stand for 10 to 15 minutes.
Make these while you're grill is pre-heating and they'll be ready to go when dinner is.
What's your favourite burger topping?
