DIY & Crafts
Giveaway #34

DIY & Crafts
Giveaway #34
Hi again, I don't know about you, but as Christmas draws ever nearer I find myself fantasizing about the projects that I intend to start on
Boxing Day, once the flurry of Christmas decoration- and gift-crafting has subsided. One book that I've been paging through in search of inspiration is the new
Melanie Falick/STC Craft book
Reversible Knitting by Lynne Barr.
The book is packed with ideas – stitch patterns and projects that look equally appealing from front and back, inside-in and inside-out, upside-up and upside-down. If you're like me and keep your Christmas knitting a bit on the vanilla side (theoretically, if it's plainer it's easier to knit), this might be just the antidote you're looking for!
To enter, leave a comment on this post telling me
what crafty item you've got on your Christmas list. Is it a tool? A book? A fancy new pair of scissors or a package of glitter? Would you like to learn something new? Have you chosen something perfect from Etsy? Due to Christmas vacation, this contest will run for two weeks, so you've got a while to think about it.
Leave your comment by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, January 3, and I will post a winner on Monday, January 4. Remember, one comment per person only, please.
