DIY & Crafts
Winner and Weekly Giveaway #8

DIY & Crafts
Winner and Weekly Giveaway #8
Happy Monday, friends! I can't believe it's already 4 p.m. – where has today gone? Oh well. Here's the lucky winner of Weekly Giveaway #7. Congratulations to...
...Tara! She's the proud mama of a new baby girl, and they've already been crafting together, as she explains:

"What a timely contest. Just a couple of weeks ago, I got up super early with my several-weeks-old daughter and I helped her to fistpaint. Not fingerpaint, but fistpaint. See, newborns have a hard time keeping their hands splayed. For her to paint what would eventually become the front of our baby shower thank-you cards, I had to paint her fist with various coloured goops of fingerpaint and then let her mash her fist into the cardstock. It was great fun and I think we’ll try it again soon.
And yes, we used non-toxic, baby-friendly paint. "