Mind-blowing new sex stats for Canadians aged 40-59

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Mind-blowing new sex stats for Canadians aged 40-59
If you're secretly a bit of a voyeur—or simply love stats... or sex—you're going to find the results of this giant sexual health survey utterly fascinating. Trojan (you know, the condom/lube/sex toy brand) partnered up with the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) to survey 2,400 Canadian men and women ages 40 to 59. There were 1,200 men and 1,200 women, 1,200 married or cohabiting and 1,200 single.
Just look at the cool info that turned up:
1. Midlife Canadians are pretty sexually satisfied.
Contrary to popular belief, sexual pleasure does not decrease as we get older. According to the survey, 65 percent of the people surveyed found their most recent sexual encounter to be very pleasurable—regardless of age group.
Almost all midlife Canadians—a whopping 87 percent—are at least somewhat emotionally satisfied in their current relationship.
2. Marrieds have more sex than singles.
Approximately 40 percent of married or cohabiting men and women have sex at least once per week, while only 30 percent of singles can claim the same. Married men actually reported more pleasure at their most recent sexual encounter than single men.
3. Cuddles are key.
On average, couples that remain intimate for six to 10 minutes after a sexual encounter will be more satisfied with the experience and have a stronger relationship months later than will their zero to five-minute counterparts.
4. Midlifers can get STIs, too.
While this info isn't at all surprising, the fact that STIs are on the rise in the 40-59 year-old population is kind of shocking. The fact is, over half of the singles in this age group aren't worried about contracting an STI and over 65 percent don't use condoms.
5. Masturbation is still a bit taboo for most women.
When it comes to sex, the biggest gender difference found in the study seems to exist in men's and women's practice of masturbation. While almost half of men masturbate two times per week or more, almost half of women report masturbating a few times a year or less.
6. Sexual desire can be a problem for both men and women.
When it comes to the desire to have sex, 42 percent of women and 30 percent of men say that their level of interest in having sex is lower than they would like it to be.
And these are just the first findings. Over the next few years, many academic articles and explorations into the study will be completed.
Read more:
The 6 latest and greatest sex toys
How loving yourself can improve your sex life
Just look at the cool info that turned up:
1. Midlife Canadians are pretty sexually satisfied.
Contrary to popular belief, sexual pleasure does not decrease as we get older. According to the survey, 65 percent of the people surveyed found their most recent sexual encounter to be very pleasurable—regardless of age group.
Almost all midlife Canadians—a whopping 87 percent—are at least somewhat emotionally satisfied in their current relationship.
2. Marrieds have more sex than singles.
Approximately 40 percent of married or cohabiting men and women have sex at least once per week, while only 30 percent of singles can claim the same. Married men actually reported more pleasure at their most recent sexual encounter than single men.
3. Cuddles are key.
On average, couples that remain intimate for six to 10 minutes after a sexual encounter will be more satisfied with the experience and have a stronger relationship months later than will their zero to five-minute counterparts.
4. Midlifers can get STIs, too.
While this info isn't at all surprising, the fact that STIs are on the rise in the 40-59 year-old population is kind of shocking. The fact is, over half of the singles in this age group aren't worried about contracting an STI and over 65 percent don't use condoms.
5. Masturbation is still a bit taboo for most women.
When it comes to sex, the biggest gender difference found in the study seems to exist in men's and women's practice of masturbation. While almost half of men masturbate two times per week or more, almost half of women report masturbating a few times a year or less.
6. Sexual desire can be a problem for both men and women.
When it comes to the desire to have sex, 42 percent of women and 30 percent of men say that their level of interest in having sex is lower than they would like it to be.
And these are just the first findings. Over the next few years, many academic articles and explorations into the study will be completed.
Read more:
The 6 latest and greatest sex toys
How loving yourself can improve your sex life