DIY & Crafts
Make a Remembrance Day poppy

DIY & Crafts
Make a Remembrance Day poppy
As the years pass, it's too easy for us to forget about the sacrifices Canadians made during the two world wars.
If you're looking for information on how and why to mark Remembrance Day, check out the resources provided by the Royal Canadian Legion. Making this poppy is a good way to start the discussion.
You need:
• 1 sheet each (23 x 30 cm/9 x 12 inches) red and black construction paper
• 1 sheet (23 x 30 cm/9 x 12 inches) red crêpe paper
• Scrap black tissue paper
• 1 black pipe cleaner
• 60 cm/24 inches green curling ribbon
• Pencil, compass and ruler
• Scissors and glue stick
• Petal detail template
Take a look at a larger photo of the finished poppy here.
To make:
1. Using pencil and compass, draw 23 cm (9-inch) circle on red construction paper and cut out. Trace circle onto crêpe paper; cut out.
2. Fold construction paper circle in half three times to make eighths. With pencil, mark a short arc across one corner to create petals. Cut along line; open up.
3. Fold crêpe paper circle in half twice to make quarters. With pencil, mark a short arc across both corners to create petals. Cut along lines.
4. Layer crêpe paper flower over construction paper flower; offset slightly so construction paper is visible beneath crêpe paper. Apply glue to centre only of construction paper flower; adhere crêpe paper.
5. Push one end of pipe cleaner through flower, from back to front, about 1 cm (1/2 inch) from centre. Repeat with other end of pipe cleaner. Straighten pipe cleaners so they stand perpendicular to flower. Set aside.
6. Trace petal detail template onto red construction paper and cut out; repeat to make four identical pieces. Glue details to flower, points facing centre, as shown.
Page 1 of 2 -- Complete your handmade Remembrance Day poppy with our instructions on page 2
To make:
7. Cut four 5 x 6 cm (2- x 2-1/2 inch) rectangles black tissue paper. Working along long edge of rectangles, cut fringe. Bunch base of fringes together; glue to centre of flower, overlapping bases of petal details.
8. Using pencil and compass, draw 6 cm (2-1/2 inch) circle on black construction paper. Cut circle into thick spiral. Dab glue on centre of spiral; adhere to centre of poppy.
9. Curl pipe cleaners around pencil to form loose spirals.
10. If desired, tie green ribbon to centre of exposed pipe cleaner on underside of poppy. Curl ends slightly.
To make a wreath, use a hoop (such as a Hula-Hoop) as a frame. Sandwich hoop between pairs of poppies, stapling poppies together to cover hoop completely.
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If you're looking for information on how and why to mark Remembrance Day, check out the resources provided by the Royal Canadian Legion. Making this poppy is a good way to start the discussion.
You need:
• 1 sheet each (23 x 30 cm/9 x 12 inches) red and black construction paper
• 1 sheet (23 x 30 cm/9 x 12 inches) red crêpe paper
• Scrap black tissue paper
• 1 black pipe cleaner
• 60 cm/24 inches green curling ribbon
• Pencil, compass and ruler
• Scissors and glue stick
• Petal detail template
Take a look at a larger photo of the finished poppy here.
To make:
1. Using pencil and compass, draw 23 cm (9-inch) circle on red construction paper and cut out. Trace circle onto crêpe paper; cut out.
2. Fold construction paper circle in half three times to make eighths. With pencil, mark a short arc across one corner to create petals. Cut along line; open up.
3. Fold crêpe paper circle in half twice to make quarters. With pencil, mark a short arc across both corners to create petals. Cut along lines.
4. Layer crêpe paper flower over construction paper flower; offset slightly so construction paper is visible beneath crêpe paper. Apply glue to centre only of construction paper flower; adhere crêpe paper.
5. Push one end of pipe cleaner through flower, from back to front, about 1 cm (1/2 inch) from centre. Repeat with other end of pipe cleaner. Straighten pipe cleaners so they stand perpendicular to flower. Set aside.
6. Trace petal detail template onto red construction paper and cut out; repeat to make four identical pieces. Glue details to flower, points facing centre, as shown.
Page 1 of 2 -- Complete your handmade Remembrance Day poppy with our instructions on page 2
To make:
7. Cut four 5 x 6 cm (2- x 2-1/2 inch) rectangles black tissue paper. Working along long edge of rectangles, cut fringe. Bunch base of fringes together; glue to centre of flower, overlapping bases of petal details.
8. Using pencil and compass, draw 6 cm (2-1/2 inch) circle on black construction paper. Cut circle into thick spiral. Dab glue on centre of spiral; adhere to centre of poppy.
9. Curl pipe cleaners around pencil to form loose spirals.
10. If desired, tie green ribbon to centre of exposed pipe cleaner on underside of poppy. Curl ends slightly.
To make a wreath, use a hoop (such as a Hula-Hoop) as a frame. Sandwich hoop between pairs of poppies, stapling poppies together to cover hoop completely.
There's something for everyone, novices and experienced crafters alike, in our newsletter, Get Crafty. Sign up now to get the e-newsletter.
For more inspiration on crafting, don't forget to visit The Craft Blog too!
This story was originally titled "Lest We Forget" in the November 2011 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |
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