Culture & Entertainment
Is it time to get the cat a Twitter account?

Culture & Entertainment
Is it time to get the cat a Twitter account?
If you find yourself missing Morris during the day or wondering what Whiskers is doing to pass his time…then, maybe? Let me tell you about the
Kitty Twitty Cat Toy, a step-by-step DIY project from
Make magazine. [caption id="attachment_8047" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The Kitty Twitty (photo courtesy of Make magazine)"]
[/caption] It's the brainchild of Mark de Vinck, the magazine's director of product development. After being asked by his wife one too many times for a report on their new cat, Chester, Mark designed a device that would let the cat update her himself. Anytime Chester swats a bird tantalizingly suspended from a wooden box, a switch inside the box posts an update to Twitter that Chester is playing with his new toy. It's certainly one way to know that your
pet cat isn't sleeping his entire day away. And as resourceful as cats are, typing their own tweets may be stretching it. (Well, expect maybe for
this cat.) If knowing every time your cat plays isn't your ball of yarn (sorry!), you could instead connect the device to his food bowl to make sure he's eating his lunch (and no doubt, his multiple snacks). [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Next on the agenda for world social media domination: Skype (image via Wikipedia)"]
[/caption] What do you think? Is this a cute way to stay connected to your cat during the day? Or is it just a little too much information? And if you decide to make this, let me know how it turns out (pictures welcome!).
