Health & Fitness

The Bikini Boot Camp Diaries, Day 25 - And the winner is . . .

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

The Bikini Boot Camp Diaries, Day 25 - And the winner is . . .

Congratulations to Christine, who has won our Day 3 contest by telling us about her favourite way to relax. Christine says: "The way I pamper myself is by going for a swim at my local pool. Yes, this also counts as exercise, but there is nothing more relaxing than doing laps. My body is swimming, but my mind is usually a million miles away. Also, when you are under water you are truly alone; none of the little voices that constantly require my attention at home can get to me when I’m under water! It feels really lapple-illusion-groupuxurious and indulgent to take this time for myself." Christine has won a fabulous Fruits & Passion prize pack. Have you entered our Day 20, Day 23 and Day 24 contests yet?


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Health & Fitness

The Bikini Boot Camp Diaries, Day 25 - And the winner is . . .
