DIY & Crafts
Guest Crafter: Marisa's Paper Angels

DIY & Crafts
Guest Crafter: Marisa's Paper Angels
Hello friends,
Today I'm pleased to welcome the first of a series of Make+Do readers who will be sharing their holiday craft projects with us. We first met Marisa back in August, when she told us a bit about Omiyage, her online web shop that specializes in Japanese stationery and craft supplies. Today she's back with instructions for a sweet Christmas craft. Take it away, Marisa!
In our family, one of the greatest joys of the holiday season is found in the act of making. These paper angel ornaments are a craft I designed last Christmas to make with my young niece. They are a bit big, making them easier for little hands - though you'll still want lots of one-on-one guidance if you do make these with the kids in your life (depending on how old they are). If I were making them by myself, I'd probably shrink the size of the angel's body and wings a bit for a more delicate result!
Paper Angels Finished ornament is approximately 4 1/2" / 11cm tall
You Need:
To Make: 1. Prepare templates for angel body and wings. (Feel free to skip this step if desired - I always find a template helps to keep my ornaments uniform in size / shape.)
Cut a quarter circle for the angel's body - the straight sides should be 3 3/4" / 9.5cm long. Cut wings for your angel in your desired shape - mine are 4 1/2" / 11cm at their widest point. 2. Trace and cut 1 angel body from card stock.
3. Trace and cut 1 angel wings from card stock.
4. Glue card stock angel body to back side of patterned paper. Cut along edges of card stock. Set aside to dry.
5. Glue card stock angel wings to back side of other patterned paper. Cut along edges of card stock. Repeat so that the card stock is sandwiched between 2 pieces of patterned paper. Set aside to dry.
6. Roll angel body into a cone shape. Don't roll too tightly, you'll want to leave a gap at the tip large enough to allow the ribbon to pass through but small enough that the knot will not. Glue to secure the shape. Allow glue to dry.
7. Take a piece of ribbon, fold in half and tie a knot in the end. Insert ribbon into cone. Push the untied end of the ribbon through the gap at the tip of the cone.
8. Thread the wooden head bead onto the ribbon. Place the tip of the cone into the bottom hole of the bead - push bead down until it fits securely on cone.
9. Glue the halo to the back of the head. Use hot glue for this step. 10. Glue the wings to the back of the angel. You'll probably want to use hot glue for this step too!
These angels look lovely dangling from your tree or make smaller versions for great gift toppers!
Thanks, Marisa!
Be sure to check out Marisa's blog for her 12 Days of Christmas special offers, and for other great craft ideas. And if you'd like to contribute a guest post, please send me an email.

- Glue stick
- Hot glue gun / glue
- 2 x Patterned paper - I used Japanese chiyogami
- Card stock (may be omitted if your patterned paper is thick)
- Wooden bead with face - bead size approx 3/4" / 2cm
- Halo - I used a circular shell bead, but a pipe cleaner or paper ring would work as well
- Ribbon
